Recalibration Coaching

As Recalibration Coach, I work with people who seek coaching to move beyond a difficult time, to build their next chapter, one with greater satisfaction, ease, and joy.  I bring my background – as coach, civil rights lawyer, operations manager, business owner, music maker, advocate for women’s safety, grief educator – to my work with clients. 

Sometimes, our focus is internal – the narratives you carry, the feelings and experiences that have shaped you, and the relationships with your own heart and soul.  Other times, we focus on the external – the larger world and cultures you inhabit, as well as your own personal world of actions and relationships. 

My coaching process is non-linear, client-driven, validating, feelings and action oriented, and gentle. Clients begin to shift as we work together – internally and externally.

We start with a diagnostic session to identify what has brought you to seek coaching  – where you are now and where you yearn to be.  You may have well-defined aspirations or unformed dreaming – either is a strong starting place for our work.  Following, if you choose to continue with me, we do a two month deep dive. The goals are to deepen your understanding of current challenges and to spell out how you want to create change in your life. After the deep dive, ongoing coaching is an option.

If you’re interested, contact me.